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Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:50 pm
by Fran Myers
Been a bit since you wrote about whats going on Jim, where are things at?

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:44 pm
by Jim Shell
I've been swamped at work.. :x
I actually got the call today the boat is ready. I pick it up early afternoon tomorrow, then will drive 1/2 mile and launch it at the lake of the week I just posted. Won't fish, but will take it out and get a feel for it...
Will let you know tomorrow if it lives up to my expectations.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:58 pm
by Fran Myers
Mine will be finished tomorrow too! We should turn the power on all the electronics, trouble shoot, and break in tomorrow - I hope.

That's great I hope your boat is everything you hoped for cause I know you spent a lot of time just waiting for them to decide to build them.

Remember to read the manual and follow the break in. I am really looking forward to hearing your impression.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:09 pm
by Jim Shell
I'm sure both our boats will be FRANTASTIC!

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:14 pm
by Fran Myers
Jim Shell wrote:I'm sure both our boats will be FRANTASTIC!
So how's break in going? We had a schedule issue on Friday so we couldn't finish. Monday or Tuesday is the day for me.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:49 pm
by Jim Shell
Well... I did pick up the boat/motor Friday afternoon. My first reaction I was a bit surprised how long the tiller handle was. Usually they are too short if anything. Not on the E-tec. It's longer and bigger than a baseball bat! I had to move the seat a good 9". Weather here has been crap the past few days. I did get it on the water yesterday with the kids with me for a 20 minute boat ride. The boat is great, I'm still undecided about the E-tec. The handle is too long! It's a much longer swing to make a quick turn. I need to get out again and spend a full day on the water to see if it's just an issue of getting comfortable with something new, or if it's just too damn long. When we go bigger, there will always be a sacrifice in control.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:00 pm
by Steve Craig
I had the same reaction to my Honda 30. The tiller is longer, but nothing like you are saying. Mine might be 6 inches longer than my 20 Honda and 15 Evinrude. You will get used to it after a few hours. I actually like mine better than the older one now. It is just a longer swing is all.
Let us know how it works out.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:22 pm
by Fran Myers
I'm curious what your alternative would be. Keep in mind big motors need bigger handles for leverage. Was there a short handle option?

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:23 pm
by frankyav

A friend of mine bought a 50 Etec for his john boat - That handle is very long.

No reason for it either my 50 horse Merc is at least a foot shorter if not more.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:33 pm
by Jim Shell
On my old rig (Honda 40) from the transom to the end of the tiller handle it's 28".
On the new rig (E-tec 60) it's 36" from the transom to the end of the tiller.
May not seem like alot, but the 8" difference seems like night/day. It will probably just take some time to get accustomed too.
Looking at pics and video's, it does seem like Mercury has the shortest length of a tiller handle.
It wold be nice if they made different tiller lengths, but one size fits all...... Just have to spend a day tro get use to it...

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:20 pm
by GDS
Jim and Fran, sounds like you both have the "New Boat" jitters, lets not get.....Fran-tic!

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:24 pm
by Fran Myers

This is just too easy.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:52 pm
by Jim Shell
I think my problem is, I'm really going to miss my old rig.
Buying or selling a boat is alot like getting a new wife/girlfriend and getting a divorce or breaking up. Usually when the "breakup" happens, It's a little bumby at first, but it doesn't take long to get use to a "new" model. It's usually exciting to hop in for the first time, and give her a good workout. Most of the time the new model is an upgrade from the old model. My problem, I wasn't ready for the "break up" yet. My old girl still did a good job, and has plenty of miles on her to go. The old girl could really turn on a dime, and she still looks good too. I'm also a bit puzzled why the old girl is having trouble finding a new guy to take care of her. Unfortunately, my house isn't big enough for me to keep them both. When I gave the new girl a ride for the first time, i was a bit surprised how big she was. It may take me a while to get her to do the things I want. I went out and bought her a structure fran, I mean scan. It may take me a couple of weeks, but I'll get her under control.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:57 am
by GDS
Jim, To be perfectly Frank, I had the same feeling when I went from a 13' Whaler to the 681. The seat seemed too high, not far enough to the starboard side, tiller seemed way too long. A couple trips, and you'll forget all about the "old girl".
You'll get use to the size too, Like John said, "he could make a straight line pass with a .........some type of big boat, maybe a freighter, can't remember that detail.

Fran, think we have run out of "Fran" words, maybe.

Re: Did You get your boat fitted out Jim Shell?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:42 am
by Fran Myers
I delivered my Alumacraft to the new owner yesterday. I am going to miss it but the Ranger is already feeling pretty good. I have the boat ready for Erie, rods, reels, and lures all ready to be packed. This week I cook and finalize the menu.

It's been a pretty busy week but I couldn't be happier.