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Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:59 pm
by Ronnie
Warner Robins neighborhood evacuated........A friend's house was taken over by the FBI last week after the FBI moved him into a hotel for a few days. They watched another house where some Islamic folks were living. The arrests came Sat after evacuating the neighborhood. FBI found bomb making materials there...........Lord only knows where and what they were planning. We are about 1.5 hours from Atlanta and I think we have around 200,000 population here. Never expected this...... ... ighborhood

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:01 am
by jwt
Glad everyone in your neighbor hood is safe, but this is really the kind of thing that belongs on facebook/twitter. I hope we don't see any more postings that have no relationship to Spoonplugging/fishing.

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:58 pm
by Ronnie
Since I don't tweet or facebook I thought some would want to know that no neighborhood is safe from this. Maybe you could tweet this and put it on facebook, but be sure your friends and family hear about it because I doubt it will make National News.

The Pub

A place to post topics other than spoonplugging.

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:17 pm
by Fran Myers
This section is meant for non-fishing, non-Spoonplugging topics. While I prefer to not get into political/religious arguments I see no reason why Ronnie can't post this subject in the pub. If you find the subject disagreeable, do what I do - leave the thread. And don't go into the threads you don't like.

The one thing I would suggest is post topics that are relevant to you personally. While I didn't mind the topic, I was bothered because I didn't completely understand why you shared it. Just now I re-read your post and you said 'My Friend'. That's my mistake i missed it the first time i read it (i was driving). Maybe next time the heading could say "Terrorism not so far away" or something.

I do not do FaceBook or tweet...almost all of my friends are here. If something affects me whether fishing or not - I WILL share it here. In the PUB for which it was added. You know maybe I want to write about my past weekend where I went to Arlington National Cemetery and was very deeply moved. I'd like to share the experience. But at the same time no one should just post crap to rile people up whether its fishing or not.

I don't always agree with stuff posted here but you are wrong Jim.

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:04 pm
by jwt
Sorry 'bout that. I just clicked "View unread posts" and it took me right here. Didn't notice it was the "Pub"

Fran, what in the foggy blue morning are you doing reading posts while you are driving? Shame on you! :razz:

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:18 pm
by Ronnie
JWT and Fran,
We are the greatest group I know of, I am really doing a lot of reading on the forum and getting a ton of useful info. Thank you both for your comments and I am not any less likely to post on the forum. I was just taken by the events unfolding. I am very excited to be a card carrying Spoonplugger. Thanks to Kevin Mclure for his encouragement!

I also have a concealed weapons permit and am very envious of Mr. Craig's hunting the big cats, especially since I came face to face with a large black one, no spots (est 150 lbs and about 7 feet tip of tail to nose) in the broad daylight 8:30 AM at 15 paces. It came in to feed on a deer carcass as I stood motionless. What a moment! Steve Craig enjoy your hunts with your sons! I was there when mine killed his 1st Whitetail and his 1st Buck and his 7.5 lb LM Bass!
God Bless you all!

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:35 am
by Steve Craig
Many live their entire life and never get to experience what you were blessed to do. Nothing like it in life.Watching a Mtn Lion laying 20 to 50 yards away, staring at you or your decoy trying to decide if he want s to attack or retreat, and the only part of his body that is moving is the last 4 inches of his tail. This game can go on for an hour sometimes, and then he simply gets up and walks on in to the speaker/decoy, or as happens 50% of the time he gets his curiosity satisfied and simply leaves the way he came in!
Here is one that decided to leave and was walking away at 20 yards.


Here is one that wasnt so lucky!


I called in alot of bears too! This one has his nose in the speaker of my caller!


Here is some of the good lion country I live and call in.


Hope you enjoy the pics! Some on here dont!
(aka The Bad Apple)

Re: Terror Threats, mid sized town GA

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:32 pm
by Ronnie
Hi Steve,
Awesome pictures! That looks like Gods Country, you are blessed too!
It was only a few minutes before the cat sensed me, the wind in my face and safety off. A lot of people don't believe there is a large black cat but I assure you there is one in Middle Ga. My son and I saw a large Bobcat (about 3' tall) going to the same kill. Clint got a close look from a deer stand and told me that he never realized the camo marking were so distinct on a Bobcat. He was somewhat shaken by its size. I also saw 2 cougars (Tan) back in the late 70's. Of course the DNR deny these exist in Ga. Two years ago a South Carolina Game Warden had to swim across the Savannah River to escape a large black feline that wanted him for lunch. Send me pictures from your hunts anytime!